One Month

One month old, cracking a smile  :)

Wow one month old! This month has gone by surprisingly fast. Maggie is getting big! Can't wait to see what she weighs at her one month appt on Thursday. Breastfeeding is going well. Maggie eats every 1-3 hrs in the day and between 3-4 hrs at night. This being the first month was of course a rough one. The first two weeks I dealt with a lot of spiritual warfare. Gratefully, that is basically gone now.

Things that surprised me was how unrealistic my expectations of motherhood were. I knew it would be hard but to know it in your head and experience it in real life are two completely different things. Motherhood is amazing and wonderful but it is also very hard. Motherhood demands instant selflessness which was a shock at first. My life is no longer my own. My schedule is now whatever Maggie needs. Restful sleep is a thing of the past. I can't believe how much I took a shower for granted.(A 5 min shower makes me feel like a million bucks). I'm sure I have many more rough days ahead of me but praise God the baby blues are behind me and breastfeeding isn't pure torture anymore.

I can honestly say I love Maggie and being a mother. I'm so grateful God called me to be a mom. For now, this momma is working on getting Maggie to fall asleep not on me and for her and I to sleep in the room with daddy. Mommy is tired of sleeping on the couch. :) Will update soon.


She is such a darling! And I can totally relate to all those emotions. I still have moments where all I want is two minutes to myself to put on some mascara or go to the bathroom or brush my teeth. Then I remember what a blessing motherhood is so if I'm looking kind of frazzled for the next, oh, 18 years, there's a very good reason why...and it's all worth it! :)
I can remember thinking the same thing in those early days... oh glorious showers! They are therapeutic to the body and soul! Lol.

You are an amazing mom, Anna. : )

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