2 More Weeks and a growth spurt

Our little lady is 6 weeks old, once in a while she does these cute little smirks and I finally captured one on camera  :) So fun! It lights up my momma's heart to see her smile!

Two more weeks and she'll be 2 months, awesome! Two months also marks the time that we get to start taking her out, I'm so ready to not be home bound all the time. :)

Maggie is also in another growth spurt. I know she's growing constantly but during growth spurts she feeds ever 1-1.5 hrs when normally she goes 2-3 hours. So again, I find myself strapped to the couch. The bright side is, breastfeeding no longer hurts and she's gotten so efficient it only takes her 10-15 minutes to empty me, which is great!


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