5 Weeks

I can't believe our little Maggie is 5 weeks old already. I Still can't get over how cute she is. Love her so much! So, the big thing Mag's did this week was she rolled over. I put her down for tummy time and she did it so fast I wasn't sure I put her on her tummy, but sure enough I put her back on her tummy and she did it again. WOW!

I guess she is her mothers daughter, I rolled over at 16 days old! So far five weeks has been quite eventful. Though we have tried to everything to protect her by not taking her out in public, our sweet girl has caught and cold. Poor baby. She is all stuffy and has a terrible cough. She has been less fussy and more cuddly and sleepy.

We have been spending our nights with me again on the couch, I had finally gotten off, and her sleeping in the swing upright so she can breathe. My heart aches for my sick baby. Pray she gets better and quick!


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