Homemade Chocolate Syrup

This weeks pinterest, homemade chocolate syrup. So I know that chocolate syrup overall isn't good for you but I like to think since this is homemade without the high fructose corn syrup and other preservatives it's possibly a little less damaging. Hey, I can dream right! HA! Anywho, it's really easy and took a few minutes so I whipped it up the other night.

The ingredients

Cocoa powder, sugar and salt

Add water and bring to boil


Boiling away

turn off, remove from heat and add vanilla once cooled
This recipe was super easy. The final product is a little grainy but it doesn't bother me. So far, I've only used it in chocolate milk and a chocolate shake but it is quite tasty and best of all it's free :) Oh, and lacks high fructose corn syrup, hehe. That's all for now  :)

p.s. Got the recipe from here http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2012/03/homemade-chocolate-syrup.html#more this lady does so many cool homemade things.


Ev said…
I am going to try this soon.

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