Maggie's 4 Months ( a little late)

Wowwy, our Maggie is 4 months! And boy is she a chunker, at her 4 mo appt she weighed 16 lbs 14oz, no wonder my arms hurt, I'm carrying around a 17 lb kiddo all day long ;). Maggie is finally beginning to be okay on her tummy for the few minutes until she rolls herself over. Yup, she is doing that more and more these days. Smiling is a daily occurrence and I have to work for it, but I get her to laugh daily as well. Her laugh and her smile light up my mommy's heart, it's awesome!  She has such good head control. She is still drooling like crazy more so than last month and she is also gnawing on anything and everything she can get her hands on. We'll see if some teeth are on their way in the weeks to come. Maggie sleeps wonderfully in the basinette, trouble is she has out grown it and kicks so hard she pushes her body up to the top and hits her head on the wood.'s time to get her to to sleep in the crib. What an undertaking. Last night was the first night I tried to get her to sleep in there all night and it didn't go well after getting her back to sleep and laying her down three different times and her waking up I just brought her to the couch and finally got some sleep from 230-6. So, that is my latest challenge. Hopefully, if I can be consistent she will sleep in there. She naps in there just fine but at night she will only sleep 1-2 hrs in there. Whereas in the basinette, she sleeps between 6-9 hrs. Prayers for grace, this momma was just getting used to getting more sleep, ha, oh well, Magger's knows how to keep me on my toes. I think that is all I can think of right now. Hope you are all well and stay tuned she'll be 5 months in a little over two week so you can expect another update. Until next time. ;p.


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