Life Update and Hopeful Blog Schedule

Well, hey, I'm going to rejoice because I thought I had been close to two months since I last blogged and it's only been three weeks. Ha. Anyhow, life with three kids is very busy. Busy in the morning, afternoon and evening. Especially evening. Our lovely little Henry has for the most part transitioned to a colicky baby instead of fussing all day but frankly, nighttime, is when I get "things" done. So he's put an adorable little crick in my day.

Speaking of little Henry, he's 2 months, he's an excellent nurser and not a shabby sleeper when he's not fussing. Out of three kids he's definitely a baby with high needs and it's hard and requires extra grace and God is extending to me that extra grace so I have it to give to Henry. I continue to remind myself that he's only this little once and that I should try  to enjoy him even when he's fussing.

Maggie and Eli are well too. Maggie has 4.5 more months of leukemia treatment. Having a child battling cancer is the worst thing in the world. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. No part of this journey has been simple. I look forward very much to no more medicines three times a day. I look forward to my daughter not waking in the middle of the night from neuropathy thanks to chemo. I desperately can't wait to see if not being on steroids for 5 days every month changes my daughters disposition and aggressiveness. Maggie is around the age of starting preschool and I'm trying to incorporate more sensory play and concrete and creative play into their day. She loves books, puzzles, drawing and coloring most of all. She also appreciates play doh and gak.

Eli is nearly 2.5 years and he's all boy. He's so rough and tumble. I try to remind myself of that when his inability to be gentle is bewildering to me. He loves trucks and lightning mcqueen. Both of the kids have started some imaginative play. It's so fun to hear them act out voices and responses like they are the parents of their little toys. Eli enjoys being read to and following Maggie around with anything she's doing.

Lastly, me, I have been awful with blogging about it but I'm 6 days with no refined sugar. This is an accomplishment for me. Hubby has even brought home so many sweets including my used to be fave Reeses cups. I have been able to say no and stay away even when my body is crying for sugar. I'm not even close but I'm happy with a little steady progress. I am passionately pursuing traditional food preparation with my real food meal plan and so far I'm doing well. My counter is lined with sourdough spelt muffins that are proofing for morning, my whole wheat bread dough is soaking, my kefir's are fermenting and my soughdough is bubbling. I have personal goals of soaking my whole grains, nuts and beans. I also want to get in a habit of deciding the night before what's for dinner off my meal plan the next night. I'm doing okay with both of these goals. I'm also trying my best to rid our diet of processed food by making homemade replacements slowly. I'll do my best to update those changes as I'm able to implement them.

Hopeful Blog Schedule:

I may be kidding myself but I'm hoping it will keep me accountable.

Monday: Working on my Marriage Monday
Tuesday: Positive Parenting
Wednesday: Creative Play
Thursday: Working on me
Friday: Crafting WIP's

Stay tuned if you like. That's all for now.


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