Creative Play Wednesday

Last month I went to the homeschool convention. I attended 3 workshops that were conducted by the Home Grown Preschooler. In those workshops I learned about all the different types of play that are good for our children. She discussed many categories, sensory play, imaginative play, domestic play and written play.

This is so hard for me because my children love to paint and I would love to let them go wild and learn via that kind of play but the mess that they make, oh the mess. Most days I just don't have the umph to let them go crazy with paint and the ensuing clean up. I'm working on it. I'm trying to have something fun for them in that way every day.

I can tell my kids are expounding with their imaginative play. They pretend many different times a day with lego people or stuffed animals. Pretending to be the parent and the child and the conversations that go with that. It is beyond cute!

One area that I totally cringed at during the workshop was domestic play. My kids love to help int he kitchen except nothing frustrates me more than small kids in the kitchen. I'm really trying to grow in this area. Can you tell I have a lot of growing to do?!? Here's to hoping I can grow and come to you every Wednesday with a new way I'm getting better at play with them. That's enough for tonight. Goodnight.


I'm not very good with this either. I just let my kids play with each other and entertain themselves most of the time. I'm not very good at "playing" with them. And, yes, it's hard to let messes happen. I'm right there with you! Looking forward to this series! I'm impressed with all of your blogging. I am really struggling with finding time to do it. My goal is twice a week lol and that hasn't happened in probably over a year!

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