Sugar Journey

I thought I would update about my sugar journey.

August 1st I had planned to cut out processed sugar out completely. Surprisingly, I did really first. Sadly, with my mother in law passing away and food being brought to us and then my birthday a week later. I did eat some processed sugar but didn't fall completely off the wagon until this past week when I ran out of my homemade cereal and a fussy babe kept me out of the kitchen more so than not. 

So while I'm happy with my progress, I've been bad the past week. I am encouraged that I've only had more sugar because that is all there was in the house. If I had my own naturally sweetened snacks and my homemade granola cereal I would have been fine. 

So...for next month I will plan way more easy recipes to make so that I don't run out of healthy or naturally sweetened stuff and then I won't just have sugar as an option. When I'm breastfeeding I'm ravenous. It's not an excuse but truly I can't turn down food when hunger strikes and I'm starving. So better planning next month and I should be good to go. 

I do have to say that for the three weeks that I had healthy alternatives. I did great and I noticed big changes. I had a sip of pepsi during the last week and thought I would crave more and not be able to put it down but I didn't. I wasn't repelled by it but it tasted fairly flavorless compared to before I started this journey. Hubby and my four year daughter made me a cake for my birthday and their gesture was awesome but sugar filled so to please them I ate a small slice and I couldn't believe how sweet it was. So to me this is positive progress. I believe that my taste buds are changing and I'm encouraged that I'm not craving sweets, I've just eaten them because that is all that was here. So I definitely think that is something to build on and I'm happy about that. I'll try to update more in the day to day week to week progress. 


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