Positive Parenting Tuesday....no....and others.
Boy, that one word triggers me on all levels. I feel disrespected. challenged and I fear my kids strong will and that I'm failing as a parent.
Hadn't really occurred to me to try to get at whatever is under the No. Again, I have been referring back to Lori Petro of Teach Through Love, and I'm finally getting better at taking her advice and when I feel challenged and frustrated at my kids I just take a breath. Honestly, being consistent with this has helped me a lot the past couple of days.
Unfortunately, normally, my impatience leads me to yelling or saying words I fear are shaming my children. Choosing to take a breath and respond instead of just react has helped me immensely. Just today the kids were frustrating me quite a bit and many times instead of saying "why can't you guys just leave each other alone and not fight." I'm finding myself saying, "I saw you hit your brother, you must have been very angry can you tell me more?" There has been quite a bit more peace the past couple of days. I really hope I can keep this up. It's a much more preferable way of communicating with my kids. At the end of her videos, Lori says it's not about perfection it's about consciousness." I love this quote and am reminding myself of it many days. Well, that is what's on my heart for this parenting Tuesday!
On a side note:
We have finally bought a house! Yippee, with that comes packing and cleaning and stress. I'm super excited about this new season of finally being homeowners. If you find me MIA from this little blog it's due to two reasons.

This awesome 5 bedroom, 3 bath house in Power Ranch and of course this little beauty!

I adore my baby boy. He'll be 3 months in 3 days. I really struggle when people ask me if he's a good baby. I don't think any baby can be bad. He is however; a high needs kiddo. My theory is he saw how needy his 4 year old sister is and how sensitive his older brother was and thought I better make my appearance known or else I'll be forgotten about. Not seriously, but honestly this amazing miracle is very fussy. Some days I think he's coming out of the fussiness and other days not so much so I believe there is light at the end of this tunnel.
I could promise to make up missed posts but I'm not going to do that. I'm going to extend grace to myself. I love this little blog and find myself less stressed when I journal about life and my goals but I also want to be realistic. Some nights this little boy cries until the very moment before I go to bed and until this season changes my blogging may be a little more sporadic. Any who, that's enough for tonight. Goodnight.
Boy, that one word triggers me on all levels. I feel disrespected. challenged and I fear my kids strong will and that I'm failing as a parent.
Hadn't really occurred to me to try to get at whatever is under the No. Again, I have been referring back to Lori Petro of Teach Through Love, and I'm finally getting better at taking her advice and when I feel challenged and frustrated at my kids I just take a breath. Honestly, being consistent with this has helped me a lot the past couple of days.
Unfortunately, normally, my impatience leads me to yelling or saying words I fear are shaming my children. Choosing to take a breath and respond instead of just react has helped me immensely. Just today the kids were frustrating me quite a bit and many times instead of saying "why can't you guys just leave each other alone and not fight." I'm finding myself saying, "I saw you hit your brother, you must have been very angry can you tell me more?" There has been quite a bit more peace the past couple of days. I really hope I can keep this up. It's a much more preferable way of communicating with my kids. At the end of her videos, Lori says it's not about perfection it's about consciousness." I love this quote and am reminding myself of it many days. Well, that is what's on my heart for this parenting Tuesday!
On a side note:
We have finally bought a house! Yippee, with that comes packing and cleaning and stress. I'm super excited about this new season of finally being homeowners. If you find me MIA from this little blog it's due to two reasons.
This awesome 5 bedroom, 3 bath house in Power Ranch and of course this little beauty!
I adore my baby boy. He'll be 3 months in 3 days. I really struggle when people ask me if he's a good baby. I don't think any baby can be bad. He is however; a high needs kiddo. My theory is he saw how needy his 4 year old sister is and how sensitive his older brother was and thought I better make my appearance known or else I'll be forgotten about. Not seriously, but honestly this amazing miracle is very fussy. Some days I think he's coming out of the fussiness and other days not so much so I believe there is light at the end of this tunnel.
I could promise to make up missed posts but I'm not going to do that. I'm going to extend grace to myself. I love this little blog and find myself less stressed when I journal about life and my goals but I also want to be realistic. Some nights this little boy cries until the very moment before I go to bed and until this season changes my blogging may be a little more sporadic. Any who, that's enough for tonight. Goodnight.
He's doing more and more of this, so that's always a boost to my day :) |