So, due to inefficient planning, I went over budget this month on groceries, so the last week I've just been making due with what we have in an effort not to keep putting my grocery category in the negative. I figured I'd have to skip my homemaking project of the week because I simply couldn't come up with anything that I already had ingredients for, until this afternoon that is. So the hubby and I get home from church, both semi hungry, I'm scrounging around in the fridge trying to find some sort of lunch food and think, ahhh tostadas, they are fast and we have ingredients. Lo and behold, I check the cabinet and we're out of shells, ugh, I thought. Then I remembered I also keep corn tortillas in the freezer. So, then ran to my pc, googled how to make homemade tostadas and sure enough it called for simple ingredients like corn tortillas and olive oil, had both of those. The recipe said you could either bake them or fry them. Trying to be healthier I opted for bak...