
Showing posts from October, 2010

BIG Running update

Okay, well for those of you who have been paying attention, I haven't kept up with blogging about running. Let's start with a clean slate okay? Okay, last week was the official first week of 1/2 training. Both me and the hubby are on training plans. This week went well. Couple rough spots but I think that is expected. Although I don't feel I'm improving tons, I can tell you that when I first started this shenanigans, I could barely and breathlessly run 1 mile. Now 3 seems less and less challenging every time I do it. In fact Tim and I ran with our church group this Saturday. I battled a side stitch the whole way but the four miles seemed fairly short. Hopefully, my training will get me somewhere. Since I'm officially training, I'd like to let you all know, my personal goal is to run the 1/2 in less than two and one half hours, I know it's a tall order, but training 6 days a week, I'm really hoping I can. Okay well that's it for running this week, u...

Chipotle Burgers with homemade buns and homemade fries

 The above picture is my unfortunately failed chipotle burger. Why failed? Many reasons, among them, I put too much dough in the buns and my husband called them very dense and like a brick...Not what you're looking for in a hamburger bun. I'll use less dough next time and we'll see if it makes a difference. Looking at the glass half full, the recipe was really easy, I just didn't execute the result very well, oh well, I have to learn to laugh at myself because as much as my perfectionistic little self hates to admit it, I'm still a very new homemaker and I'm never going to be perfect...can you tell that is one of my weaknesses?  :) Anyway, I used a different recipe for homemade french fries and they didn't turn out well. Here are my thoughts, I know I made the buns too dense. I don't think the fries turned out very well because I was using the toaster oven. If I give this recipe another shot, I'll do it in the oven. I may not do this again simply b...

Weekly Running

Hey All, So for those that follow my running, my schedule goes like this...Monday stretch and strengthen, Tuesday run 3 miles, Wednesday run 2 miles or cross train, Thursday run 3 miles, Friday rest  :), Saturday 3 miles or 30 minutes cross training, and finally Sunday run 4 miles. Runs went fine until Sunday, being the dummy I can be, I attempted to run 4 miles outside in 86 degree weather, whoops, won't do that twice, still too hot, needless to say the run didn't go well, this is my first week doing my Hal Higdon training plan, I would redo this week since my run Sunday didn't go so well, except next week is basically identical. That's it for now, until next week. ; p.

Homemade Mixed Berry Pie

 Since my love is working tonight, I'm going to my parents dinner, with that in mind, I figured they need some fresh dessert as well. Just so happens that I bought fresh berries this weekend and needed to use them up. I present you with mixed berry pie  :) Freshly washed blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Add in sugar, flour and cinnamon LOVE homemade pie crust, mix butter in dry ingredients All ingredients added, letting dough rest Ready for rollin Roll out into flat round-ish size Roll dough up with rolling pin Place over pie pan, press in to mold, cut of excess Added fruit, then my first attempt at lattice It turned out pretty well  :) Finished product, YUM! This pie was tested by both my parents and my hubby, they all really liked it, I'll hold onto this recipe, very good! What a fun way to spend my Saturday!


Okay all, so I got home from work last night and was craving a yummy taco salad and I didn't feel like going to taco bell so I decided to look up the recipe for homemade taco salad shells. To my surprise it's a really easy quite quick recipe. 1/4 cup water, 1/2 tsp EVOO in large bowl, I had 10 in tortillas so I used a large tupperware. Roll tortilla in above mixture, let excess liquid drip off, place small bowl( I used a ramekin) in bottom of baking dish, cover with foil then mold tortilla over ramekin. Remove from oven when tortilla begins to brown and get crispy on outside. Flip molded tortilla over and place back in over for 3-5 minutes until inside is no longer moist. Finished Tortilla  : ) Fill with favorite ingredients, top with sour cream and salsa, YUM!  Just as I was getting mine out of the oven my hubby walked in and said he wanted one too, so I made the second in the toaster oven and it worked well. Hubby said to make this more often he loved th...

Perfect Saturday

So this Saturday, I let myself sleep in, relaxed a little then got to working on my HPOW's. I told you at the beginning of the week, I would be doing three to make up for the last two weeks. The two today are, homemade tortilla chips and chicken broth. I did the chicken broth in the crock pot so it was a throw in it in in the AM and let it cook all day kind of thing. I've always used broth cubes or powder, but recently thought, if I could do it homemade it wouldn't have any salt and given that my sweet hubby is only 31 and already getting pre-hypertensive I'm trying to monitor how much salt I give him. I followed the recipe from the year of slow cooking website and I cheated, I bought a rotisserie are some pics. All veggies chopped, chicken placed, water added along with seasoning, ready for slow cooking allll day  :) 10 hours Gotta wash los manos and dig in to get all the chicken bones out. Okay, so oddly enough, there aren't a...

Weekly Running Post

Hey All, So here is the situation, I'm finding that writing 6 days a week for every different day I run or train is getting tedious and repetitive, therefore, from now on, I'll post one day per week for the whole week, ready? Here we go. This week, I started out the training schedule, then the hubby said, why are you training now, the program is 12 weeks and you have 14. I thought, hmm, you are right. So I did the program M-W and decided to cool it a little. I've been having some issues sleeping and feeling a little tired so I decided to go easy this week, only 3 days. One day I ran outside, it was nice, oh so nice to get off of the treadmill, I'm hoping with the training schedule to run 3 out of my 6 days outside since the weather is getting better and I'll be running on days off from work. Okay all, that is it for running this week, until next week.  ; p

New Plan, Bad Week, 3 HPOW's

Well, anyone who regularly reads my blog has probably wondered what happened to me. Here is the thing, as far as my running goes, I had a running plan that was 16 weeks, but after a long discussion with my hubby, he suggested that I look up Hal Higdon's beginner 1/2 marathon plan and do that instead. The old running plan I had just had me running 3 times per week with nothing in addition. I began to get concerned that I only had 14 weeks to get up to 13.1 miles for the 1/2. Well, my awesome husband explained to me that training is much more that running 3 times per week. So, I decided to go with Hal Higdon's more detailed plan for the 1/2. It is 12 weeks, running 5 days per week with one day for strength and stretching and another for rest. So basically the week ending September 24th, I decided to go forth with Hal's plan. Well Monday comes and goes and I'm finding myself confused and not well prepared for his plan. Long story short, I only ran once last week and I ...