Weekly Running Post

Hey All,

So here is the situation, I'm finding that writing 6 days a week for every different day I run or train is getting tedious and repetitive, therefore, from now on, I'll post one day per week for the whole week, ready? Here we go.

This week, I started out the training schedule, then the hubby said, why are you training now, the program is 12 weeks and you have 14. I thought, hmm, you are right. So I did the program M-W and decided to cool it a little. I've been having some issues sleeping and feeling a little tired so I decided to go easy this week, only 3 days. One day I ran outside, it was nice, oh so nice to get off of the treadmill, I'm hoping with the training schedule to run 3 out of my 6 days outside since the weather is getting better and I'll be running on days off from work. Okay all, that is it for running this week, until next week.  ; p


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