Homemade Mixed Berry Pie

 Since my love is working tonight, I'm going to my parents dinner, with that in mind, I figured they need some fresh dessert as well. Just so happens that I bought fresh berries this weekend and needed to use them up. I present you with mixed berry pie  :)

Freshly washed blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.

Add in sugar, flour and cinnamon

LOVE homemade pie crust, mix butter in dry ingredients

All ingredients added, letting dough rest

Ready for rollin

Roll out into flat round-ish size

Roll dough up with rolling pin

Place over pie pan, press in to mold, cut of excess

Added fruit, then my first attempt at lattice

It turned out pretty well  :)

Finished product, YUM!
This pie was tested by both my parents and my hubby, they all really liked it, I'll hold onto this recipe, very good! What a fun way to spend my Saturday!


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