Perfect Saturday

So this Saturday, I let myself sleep in, relaxed a little then got to working on my HPOW's. I told you at the beginning of the week, I would be doing three to make up for the last two weeks. The two today are, homemade tortilla chips and chicken broth.

I did the chicken broth in the crock pot so it was a throw in it in in the AM and let it cook all day kind of thing. I've always used broth cubes or powder, but recently thought, if I could do it homemade it wouldn't have any salt and given that my sweet hubby is only 31 and already getting pre-hypertensive I'm trying to monitor how much salt I give him. I followed the recipe from the year of slow cooking website and I cheated, I bought a rotisserie are some pics.

All veggies chopped, chicken placed, water added along with seasoning, ready for slow cooking allll day  :)

10 hours

Gotta wash los manos and dig in to get all the chicken bones out.

Okay, so oddly enough, there aren't any pictures of it going in the blender because, being the newbie cook I am, I didn't know how to work the blender (I haven't used it ever). Long story short, I put the broth contents in only watch them leak out all over the counter, had to laugh, otherwise I would have cried. Anyway, I got delicious healthy broth, about 8 cups out of this and I learned what it takes to seal my blender, HA! Anyway.

The second HPOW is pretty simple.

Spray with EVOO spray and seasoning if you desire, I put a lil salt.

Now the other side, then stack and cut into triangles

Lay out on cookie sheet

Bake at 400 for 6-7 minutes, careful not to burn.
Okay, here my thoughts, they taste good, but, they are semi chewy, not sure if they aren't all the way cooked or if the tortillas are old... What do you all think, have you ever made tortilla chips, if so were they kind of chewy or were they crunchy? Anyway, that's it for now, until next time. ; p.


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