New Plan, Bad Week, 3 HPOW's

Well, anyone who regularly reads my blog has probably wondered what happened to me. Here is the thing, as far as my running goes, I had a running plan that was 16 weeks, but after a long discussion with my hubby, he suggested that I look up Hal Higdon's beginner 1/2 marathon plan and do that instead.

The old running plan I had just had me running 3 times per week with nothing in addition. I began to get concerned that I only had 14 weeks to get up to 13.1 miles for the 1/2. Well, my awesome husband explained to me that training is much more that running 3 times per week. So, I decided to go with Hal Higdon's more detailed plan for the 1/2. It is 12 weeks, running 5 days per week with one day for strength and stretching and another for rest.

So basically the week ending September 24th, I decided to go forth with Hal's plan. Well Monday comes and goes and I'm finding myself confused and not well prepared for his plan. Long story short, I only ran once last week and I was very discombobulated and disorganized and I wasn't liking that. So this week has started fresh my 12 week program following Hal Higdon's program, Monday I got up and did all the stretches and strengthening, I thought that was nothing until I woke up this morning, boy am I sore.  :) Also, I'd like to welcome these to my program...

My New Brooks...Love Them!

So far so good with new shoes, less pain in my knee and ankle, hope that lasts  :)

For anyone who follows my homemaking project for the week, I'm 3 behind, don't fret though, I will catch up this week. Today I made homemade peanut butter.

Super simple recipe, you just need peanuts and oil and a food processor. Blend for a bit then I did the liquefy setting to get it to a more smooth consistency. The result? It tastes okay, I used Spanish peanuts, it's all the store had. Also, most of the recipes call for the peanuts to be roasted and mine weren't. But it's only the first try, I'll do some experimenting and find one that I really like. For now, this will work find on my apples. Okay all, that's it for now, until next time ; p. 


thejacksgraze said…
Sprouts has roasted peanuts in bulk.... though the last time I bought them there they were SUPER salty (which you wouldn't like...). I usually make my PB out of that though I got a bunch of unsalted at Fry's (Planter's) because they were on sale and I had coupons... I do not add any oil. Sometimes it can get a little hard in the fridge so I will mix the PB and other ingredient, say, honey, in a bowl to soften it if I were going to spread it on a sandwich. Just to share what I do!! I am a BIG fan of PB!!! and I like your projects!

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