His Call, My Day

I'll warn you ahead of time, this entry will be a long one, I have a lot to talk about. So the hubby left this morning for a call shift, he gets up at 4:30am every day this month and though I normally wake up at 4:45, I let myself sleep in until 6am. Got up and decided, it was time to conquer my nemesis. What is my nemesis you ask? This puzzle...

If I may enlighten you this is a photo mosaic, I'd like to explain what that is to give myself credit where it's due. Mosaic means it is a lot of little microscopic pictures that make one big picture, ie the picture above me. I've posted about other puzzles before but I didn't even bother timing this one because I knew it would take me forever, I'm guessing here but I think this puzzle took me around 36 hours. For those of you who know me, I'm a puzzle master, so for me to work on a puzzle for that long is unheard of. The hubby told me to quit multiple times because of how frustrated I got...Anywho, I decided I wasn't doing a single thing until I conquered this puzzle this morning and I'm proud to announce I finally finished it! Woot woot! I will be doing an easier puzzle next time, I have to sike myself up before attempting another of these, for now I'm just happy I completed it and didn't quit.

So I finally finished the puzzle and decided because I work tomorrow, I needed to get my HPOW out of the way. This week it's raspberry preserves, I know I just did strawberry but raspberries were on sale and I just love raspberry preserves. It's basically the same as the strawberry so I won't post any pics of the process but for friends and family who read this little blog let me know and I'll give you some, I made 5 jars and the hubby and I don't eat much jam, so we'd be happy to share it  :)
Finally, I was blessed to receive a sewing machine this past week and a lesson from my mom on how to use it. I've been waiting for this and am very excited. My first assignment was to make placemats, they are fairly simple and a good first project for sewing. Since I had just sewn with my mom on Tuesday the machine was all set up so I thought, "I am good to go." Well half way through this project my bobbin ran out of thread, which is no big deal but I was scared I wouldn't remember how to thread the machine and the bobbin. Had a couple hang ups but got through them and was back to sewing in no time. I'm glad that I was able to do that on my own  :) Anyway, here they are, the finished product.

Okay, well this long blog is coming to an end. If I'm truthful I hope the holiday weekend makes it so slow that I don't have to go to work tomorrow but I'm sure that is just wishful thinking. Hope to run in the morning, until next time ; p.


thejacksgraze said…
yummy looking preserves and nice placemats! fun fun fun!

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