Second Week, First Run and Spinach/Chicken Calzone

Ran yesterday, plan this week is to run 3 miles first two runs then 3.5 last run of the week. Nothing too interesting, ran 3 miles, went slowly at 5.6, went hiking with the hubby on Saturday with some decent pain in my knees and wanted to take it slow in case I was sore or something. Had pain all down my right side towards the end and after, not sure what to think of that. I have a known hip injury that flares up sometimes on my right side, we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Plan for dinner tonight was spinach and chicken calzone. In and effort to be more healthy, I made the calzone crust with whole wheat.

Easy recipe from, whole wheat flour, yeast, H2O, honey and salt. Quickly threw this together then let it rise twice, very simple.

For the filling the original recipe calls for cooking the chicken in the frying pain with a little EVOO. I changed it up a little, I slowly boiled the chicken then shredded the chicken with two forks, cooked onion and garlic with some EVOO then added the chicken, the recipe calls for some parsley, I added parsley, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes, my hubby has a hard time tasting food unless it's a little spicy, hence the red pepper flakes. I was also trying to give the chicken a little flavor. After cooking the chicken, onions, garlic and spices, I combined it with spinach and mozzarella cheese to make the filling pictured above.

Laid my rolled out dough on a greased cookie sheet and filled the bottom half, folded the top half over and pressed the two ends together. Into the oven it went, 350 for 15-20 minutes.

Here it is, finished product. Verdict? It tasted good, when I make it again the hubby requested I use ricotta cheese so I'll try that, also, the chicken wasn't as flavorful as I wanted, anyone have any ideas of how to get the chicken more flavorful? I have a list going of all the meals my husband likes and this one will make the cut, next time we'll apply some changes to see if we can get it a little more flavorful, okay, sorry for the long post. Until next time ; p


What is EVOO? Your calzone looks very yummy!
Momma said…
Extra virgin olive oil :) Thanks Sarah, I'll bet life is very exciting right now! Hope he comes soon, can't wait to see his precious face!

P.S. Got the recipe here,
Holly said…
Looks amazing Anna. Extra flavor in a Greek type dish like that-I'd use chopped roasted garlic and lemon juice. Just a thought. Glad all is well.
thejacksgraze said…
yummers. Did you boil the chicken in water? I would guess that would take the flavor out of the chicken. I have been crockpotting boneless skinless chicken breasts with no or just a little (like 1 cup) of water and a little salt, let it cook for a long time... that makes some pretty tasty shredded chicken. I thought the idea came from this site tho I also thought it was a b/s chicken example....
just a thought!
Jaime Lynn said…
To get the chicken more flavorful I would either:

-Cook it in the crock pot with chicken broth

-Sprinkle it with celery salt or poulty seasoning/salt/pepper then bake

Both of these always work for me! Good luck!
Jaime Lynn said…
That was supposed to be "poultry" seasoning...typo!

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