HPOW and Busy Kitchen

Hey All,

So with the hubby on call tomorrow, I plan to go to the east valley and spend the day with my mom. Since Saturday is my normal day for HPOW, I decided I would do it today. HPOW this week is homemade lasagna noodles without a pasta machine.

I've been researching making my own pasta for about six months and I've been slightly intimidated by it. I don't have a pasta machine and what happens if they don't taste good or something. Well I woke up this morning and decided what the hay, I would try it. If you know anything about pasta making, the pro's suggest that you build a mountain of flour and dig a hole right in the center then put your wet ingredients in the center. Well, I did just that and was chasing egg all around my counter, lol, it was quite comical, I had to laugh, this is my first time, of course it won't go off without a hitch. HA!

I got a huge desire to be in the kitchen all afternoon, at one point, in my little kitchen, I was making pasta sauce from scratch, baking bread in the machine, baking cookies in the oven and rolling out pasta dough, it was crazy but boy do I love doing things like this. Unfortunately, I have no pictures to share because my camera went dead as I was about to use it, guess I should charge it huh? Oh well, the hubby couldn't taste anything different in that lasagna but I sure could, if I can I'll make the noodles from scratch every time from now on. They were more soft than store bought and had slightly better flavor. Okay, well I've prattled on long enough. I went to run my final run for my 5K program and at 455 Thursday morning the gym at our complex was closed  :( Must have been a sign my body needed rest. I'll be running tomorrow morning instead. Hoping with some hearty lasagna tonight, I'll have a good amount of fuel when needed to run in the morning, Time will tell right, until next time.  ; p.


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