Best Laid Plans

Alrighty, so for those of you who follow and like to read my HPOW's, you have probably recognized a complete lack of them in January. January has been a busy month with varying schedules and other occupying activities. I know, I know, that is not an excuse but hey, I need some grace. Also, I'm going to list my HPOW for the month and that way I can have a reminder and a plan as to what I want to do, sound good? Here are the four projects you can expect this next month, meaning February...

1. Homemade wheat thins
2. Homemade cheese tortellini
3. Homemade "condense" cream of mushroom soup
4. Homemade vegetable broth

Those are my plans for February. Keep an eye on my blog because I am going to do those things this month, darn it! Ha, until next time  ;)


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