Week 10

2 weeks, woot woot! Well, running for the tenth week is up. My routine is the same 5 miles Tues and Thurs with 3 miles and 60 minutes of cross training on Wed and Sun with my long run on Sat. My long run this week was 9 miles. It went okay, I felt super sore during my run. I'm pretty sure it's because it was 41 degrees and I hadn't carb loaded very good. Anyway, I finished it in 1:43:30 which is an 11:30 mile. Hopefully, I'll get even better these next two weeks. If I'm truthful, I have been neglecting the 60 minutes cross training, simply because I can't find a crosstraining activity that I enjoy. I know poor excuse, I'm trying to hold on but to tell you the truth, getting up in the early morning to run when it's 35 degrees is not my idea of fun. I do however have 2 weeks until PF Changs and I am determined to finish and finish strong. Stay tuned, until next time. ; p.


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