Last Long Run

So week 11 is complete, I've been working this whole time to get to week 12 and this coming Sunday is finally PF Changs 1/2 marathon. Running this week went okay. The hubby was on nights and if I forgot to get my clothes out of the room before he went to bed then I had to wait until he woke up so it kinda threw me off but it's all good. My long run was Saturday and I ran 10 miles in 1hr 56 min and 10 sec. It made it an 11:37 mile. I know I'm so slow. After the run, I found myself concerned that I'm not going to like my time next weekend. The hubby believes if we adequately carb load and hydrate before the race it will make all the difference. I really really wanna meet my goal but at this point, I"m not sure I'm going to make it. Oh well, when it's all said and done, the ultimate goal is to finish right? Which that is one thing I'm pretty sure I can do. If you remember, can you please pray for me this weekend. I really wanna do well and I'm finding myself nervous. That's it for running, my next post will be about how my half went. Until next time  ; p.


I'll pray for you! You'll do great! Good luck :)
thejacksgraze said…
yes! finishing is the goal! (= I think you will do well and will pray you're not too nervous (tho I think a little nerves might be expected with something you've never done before!)!!
An RN is Born said…
You can do it!!! I will be thinking of you!

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