The Long Awaited PF Chang Story

Well as you all know, I ran PF Changs 1/2 Marathon this past Sunday...this is my story. Ha!  Okay, so PF Changs has 26,000 people running it, therefore it requires the runners to get there somewhat early. We woke up at 4:45am on Sunday. Left by 5:30 and got down to the buses that shuttle you to the start line at 6:15ish. So basically, the race doesn't start until 8:20 and we got to there at 7ish. So we mostly just sat around and hydrated and ate snacks until it was time for the race.

Finally, the time came we got into our corrals and waited to hear the horn to go. Oddly enough, you'd think with all training I did, I'd be roaring to go, ha, not so today. I started running and around mile 2 I thought, ugh, I don't wanna do this right now. LOL. Around mile 3 I started to get discouraged because I was positive I was going super slow. Anyway, I just kept trucking and fighting the mental part of my running and around mile 6 I started to make some strides and it started feeling easier. Truly from mile 8-12, time seemed to fly by and I felt minor aches and pains but just put them aside and focused on my goal. The last mile was the toughest, then finally I saw the finish line and got that extra oomph to make it the rest of the way. Crossing the finish line felt like a huge accomplishment. The best part after the race was getting home and seeing my chip time. 2:28:07. My original goal was under 2hr and 30 minutes and I achieved it! Hallelujah!!! There ya have it folks, my long winded story about my half marathon. We'll see where our lives are at the end of this year to see if doing it again is possible. The little competitive piece in me is curious if I could get a better time. Here are the few pics of the race. Beware, I don't look very good in any of them, but they are it.
Running Hard

Almost there

Crossing the finish line
After the race, feels so good to be done  :)


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