
Hi Peeps,
So, does anyone remember that list of things I wanted to do before we had kids? If not, here is a refresher, these were the top 7 things I wanted to do/learn.
1. Run 5K in October
2. Run 1/2 Marathon in January
3. Plant something in October-pray it grows  :)
4. Scrapbook the rest of our courting days
5. Make something from scratch once per week
6. Learn basic sewing
7. Begin Yoga

Well, I have been able to scratch out three of them. I scratched out the planting something because after much research, our little apartment doesn't have any windows or a patio that gets enough sun per day to grow anything so that will just have to wait until we move this June. As you know, we run the half on January 16th, eek only 11 days! I'm still learning basic sewing but I have done a couple projects and have many planned for the next 6 months so stay tuned. As for the progress on my scrapbooking, the pictures tell the story  :) Enjoy!

Threw this one in, it's my current cross stitch
Stay tuned for many many more projects, I'm gonna be bursting at the seams with them,until next time ; p.


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